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The CirFin Community

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CEO & Founder

Aaryan Doshi

I'm passionate about incentivizing the transition from a linear to a circular economy through financial technologies like blockchain. Transitioning to a circular economy requires the intersection of a variety of disciplines, such as design, sustainability, and fintech. Circular economy can span several industries such as fashion, agriculture, gadgets and appliances. I believe that mitigating climate change is not enough. A fundamental reason for climate change is the overconsumption of resources by the ever-increasing population on a planet with finite resources. Through CirFin's programs, I hope to educate the global youth on these challenges and make the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy a reality.

Global Ambassadors



Abdelrahman Abdalla​


Enes Ercan Enwar Hurmuzlu



Guy Mike Akimana


Changemaker Global Teams

Podcast Guests

© 2021-2025 Cirfin. 501(c)3 Non-profit.

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